29th General Chapter
“CALLED and SENT to‘announce the words of life ’Cf Act 5,20.”
To the Provincial Superiors, Vice Provincials and their Councils
To international communities
To all the sisters of the Congregation
Dear Sisters,
Thanking you for the material you sent as a result of your reflection, we inform you that the FIRST STAGE of preparation for the 29th General Chapter is nearing to end and we reach to you to give you a summary of the work of the Organisms (Attachment n.1).
You are invited to consider the synthesis as a moment of grace and personal and community growth so as to revive the gift of God that has been poured into our hearts, has nourished and shaped our existence. As we have deepened in the readings sent, we are called to sow hope so that the newness of life according to the will of God may sprout and grow even more in our religious family.
The reflection can be guided personally and community by the questions that you will find at the end of each keyword. This in-depth reflection remains for your attention and should NOT be sent to the Commission.
In starting the SECOND PHASE it is essential to continue to keep in mind the material on which you have already reflected and the summary of the work of the Bodies attached here. We ask you to take personal and community time (Attachment 2) to answer the following question:
We ask you to share these additional contributions using the form (Attachment n.3) and to send them to the secretariats of each organism. The secretariats will then forward the forms to CPC: cpc.fscj@gmail.com by April 10th.
In the certainty of growing in communion and in the sense of belonging, we embrace you fraternally.
The sisters of the pre-capitular commission
Rome, 27 January 2020
[1] We allow ourselves to highlight the significants to have the same comprehension: OPPORTUNITY’ = the presence of one or more circumstances or appropriate or favorable conditions for an action to be carried out.
[2] PROSPECTIVE = in the sense of seeing in the distance; have foresight(lungimiranza), think in the future how to do some things.
[3] PROPOSAL = The DSHJ in a personal capacity or in a group has the right to send comments and/or proposals to Chapter directly or through the precapitular commissions. Dir.n.73