Alamis Association

The Alamis Al@mis Onlus is a non-profit-making Associative voluntary organization, governed by a Statute. The Association aims to pursue the goals of social, civil and cultural solidarity that are identified in the primary purpose of perfect charity and to be a sign of the saving love of Christ, according to the charism and spirituality of Saint Teresa Verzeri and Mons. Joseph Benaglio.


Lay Friends associated for the Missions “Saint Teresa Verzeri”

Location: c / o Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Institute

Via Casilina, 1113 chap. 00169 – ROME

Tel. +39 06.260328 fax 062389168


President: Franca Penasa

Vice-president: Suor Beatrice Dal Santo

Treasury: Cinzia di Rienzo

Secretary: Mirella Guarnieri

Councilor: Maria Molinari, Mauro Sinibaldi, Diomira Porcellana, Suor Eugenia Krinski, Suor Olinda Maria Roberti.


Alamis activities

The Alamis Group collaborates with the DSHJs in missionary projects, in international distance adoptions. In its programming, among other initiatives, it also considers the possibility of sending lay volunteers into the mission realities of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the different part of the world.

