According to the Ecclesial Document “Interpersonal Relations”, no. 11 the “charism of the founders” (ET 11) has revealed as an experience of the Spirit transmitted to their disciples to be lived, guarded, deepened and constantly developed in harmony with the body of Christ in constant growth”. Our Founders left to the Congregation with a very clear Christological and Christ centric Charism and spirituality as a patrimony.
“I would like all of you to be filled with the spirit of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus as you are His most beloved Daughters. So make sure to wish this spirit with a great transport of your soul: Commit yourself to make this spirit grow and enhance firmly, because this spirit is the spirit of your Institute, this is what God desires and wants from you. Your sanctification consists in being imbued of the sentiments of the sweet Heart of Jesus. Make sure to think like Him, love like Him, suffer like Him, be like Him humble, sweet, meek, compassionate, and gentile. You must be like Him have no other principle in all your actions than the love of God, no other rule than the divine will, no other goal than the glory of God. You must be like Him always consider yourself as a flesh sold for the honour of God and for the spiritual and corporal good of your neighbors … “(Mons. Joseph Benaglio, 1834)
“Jesus Christ is the only book on which we learn holiness. Yes, yes, learn from Jesus Christ who is the Way, Truth and Life. Jesus Christ who is the light that illuminates everyone who comes into this world … Jesus Christ who chose you to be His spouses … Jesus Christ who made the precious gift of His Heart to you and to your Institute, because, you have to learn holiness from Him, as He is the inexhaustible source of true holiness. The road is marked … it is thorny, but it is safe … it is steep and ascent, but leads to the goal. It will not conform to the ideas that we are forming through our imagination, but it is in conformity with the ideas of God’s infinite mind. “(St. Teresa Verzeri, 1844)
The invitation that is made to those who undertake the path of this spirituality is that of charity:
“The Daughters of the Sacred Heart like those who draw their charity from the source of love, that is, from the Heart of Jesus Christ. They must inflame with the same charity of that Divine Heart towards their neighbour. The most pure charity is the glory of God and the good of the souls. The universal charity does not exclude a person, but embraces everyone. The generous charity that is not lost by sufferings, it is not dismayed by contradiction, never tires of delay, but rather in suffering, in opposition, in delay, it grows in force, and wins with patience. “(St. Teresa Verzeri, 1844).