Principles and values

The urgency of the love of the Heart of Jesus urges the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to take care of all the brothers and sisters who are in need, to be flexible in the ways and according to their possibilities. The charismatic gift, embodied in different realities and situations, moves to serve every person in a continuous commitment to promotion, evangelization and formation to make them to understand that their dignity as sons and daughters of God.

The Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus are present in schools, hospitals, orphanages, centers for the formation of adolescents, and care of families in situations of social vulnerability among the people. In the mission “Ad Gentes”; they look after the women, the young, the children; they carry out spiritual direction and pastoral activities together with the local Church.



Charity of the Heart of Jesus

Cordiality in the relationship


Respect the differences






Promote the life of the person, make them aware of their dignity as children of God and love them with the love of the Heart of Jesus.



Being a significant presence in education and formation at various levels specially, in the field of health and social assistance among the people, which recognized from the testimony inspired by the Charism that the Founders left. A cordial presence in the relationships, in the services performed, and in the various institutions.
