International meeting of the Laity

“In their mission the Daughters of the Sacred Heart work together with the laity, particularly with those attracted by the same charismatic gift, for a more living and visible irradiation of the love of the Heart of Jesus in the world”.

(Cs 47)

With much joy, the laity came from Africa, Brasil, India and Italy together with the sisters of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at the upper city of Bergamo, the cradle of our Institute, to share, to pray and  to reflect the journey  as the family that has gathered in the same Heart.

Also with the inspiration of Pope Francis, our shepherd:

“Family, a “charismatic family”, which includes a number of Institutes which identify with the same charism, and especially lay faithful who feel called, precisely as lay persons, to share in the same charismatic reality”

(Pope Francis, Apostolic  letter to the Consecrated people, 21.11.2014, III, 1)

